Armani Williams
Outstanding Debut Author in LGBT Literature 2015
Nomination Thanks
I am truly honored and humbled at this nomination.
I thank all of my Armaniluvs who submitted me for this. As an author, my job is to tell stories that I hope will inspire you, touch your life, and keep you entertained.
This is one of the highlights of my career thus far and I thank you. Shout out to my fellow Jersey folk Angeline M. Bishop for the shout out! 'Preciate ya!
Outstanding Debut Author in LGBT Literature 2015
Nomination Thanks
I am truly honored and humbled at this nomination.
I thank all of my Armaniluvs who submitted me for this. As an author, my job is to tell stories that I hope will inspire you, touch your life, and keep you entertained.
This is one of the highlights of my career thus far and I thank you. Shout out to my fellow Jersey folk Angeline M. Bishop for the shout out! 'Preciate ya!